Heading out on your first camping trip but don’t have all the necessary gear yet? We’ve found the best solution for your needs at Outdoor Gear (XdogTrekking.com), We now offer Camping Gear for Rent in Bangalore. Before you head out on your next backcountry adventure, you need to have the right camping gear. While you could spend a fortune fully outfitting yourself with camping tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and the like, that gear will spend most of its time sitting untouched in storage. That’s why more casual campers, infrequent adventurers, and newbies should consider renting their camping equipment instead. Consider these top reasons to rent rather than buy your camping gear:
Where to Rent Camping Gear in Bangalore?
- Outdoor Gear: Looking for high-quality camping gear to rent for your next adventure trip? Our rental shop has a camping list checklist you need. Choose from a variety of brands of camping tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and camping gear that come with many benefits for outdoor enthusiasts. Whenever you need camping gear on rent just go to Google and search camping tents for rent near me, you will find us for sure.
Hesitant about renting camping equipment that prior customers have already used? Don’t be! Our reputable camping gear is thoroughly clean, and air dry, and inspect every returned item to ensure later renters receive gear in quality condition. Any damaged equipment gets repaired or replaced way before its next rental, if you are afraid of how much does camping gear cost? here are the things needed to go camping and our camping gear rental shop near Bangalore with pricing details below:
Camping Gear on rent In Bangalore – Pricing table
Camping Gears (Product) | Rental Price (INR) | Product Link |
Coleman Sundome 4-Person Dome Tent For Rent | Rs. 850 for 10 days | Link |
2 People Camping Tent For Rent | Rs. 495 for 10 days | Link |
Camping Tarp Tent For Rent (Quechua) | Rs. 560 for 10 days | Link |
Clothes Changing Tent For Rent | Rs. 600 for 10 days | Link |
Coleman Portable Butane Camping Stove On Rent | Rs. 300 for 10 days | Link |
60 Ltr Ice Box For Rent | Rs. 1,350 for 10 days | Link |
Air Pillow For Camping On Rent | Rs. 70 for 10 days | Link |
Self-Inflating Mattress For Camping On Rent | Rs. 340 for 10 days | Link |
Top Rated Wood Stoves on Rent | Rs. 170 for 10 days | Link |
Barbeque Grill For Rent | Rs. 850 for 10 days | Link |
Best Columbia Jacket For Winter On Rent (-16 Degree Ultra Light) | Rs. 600 for 10 days | Link |
Best Merino Wool Balaclava On Rent | Rs. 174 for 10 days | Link |
Best Rechargeable Head Torch For Rent | Rs. 170 for 10 days | Link |
Best Trekking Backpack On Rent 55L | Rs. 450 for 10 days | Link |
Sleeping Bag For Rent | Rs. 240 for 10 days | Link |
Good Walkie Talkies For Rent | Rs. 555 for 10 days | Link |
Brightest Handheld Torch For Rent | Rs. 390 for 10 days | Link |
Please note that rental prices may vary depending on the type and brand of camping gear you choose.
Why Rent Your Camping Gear?
Renting camping tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and other camping equipment comes with many advantages, especially for Bangalore residents embracing the outdoorsy lifestyle. Consider these top reasons to rent rather than buy your camping gear:
- Affordability Investing in reliable camping equipment all at once can become quite an expensive endeavor. However, renting that same high-quality gear from one of Bangalore’s many outfitters costs a fraction of the price. No need to drop over 5,000 rupees or more to buy a tent you might only use occasionally.
- Convenience In addition to saving you money upfront, rented camping gear also simplifies planning for your trips. No need to sort through piles of equipment in storage to ensure you have what you need. The right rental outfitters handle all the gathering, maintenance, and transport for you. Just pick up and go explore!
- Flexibility Renting lets you test gear of all types and brands to learn exactly what works best for your camping style, all without getting stuck with equipment that seemed fitting at first but no longer meets your needs. Many renters also offer multi-day discounts so that you can rent premium gear for week-long excursions.
- Lack of Storage Storing camping gear between trips can become an annoying hassle, from dealing with family clutter complaints to ensuring tents don’t collect mold. Renting sidesteps storage needs completely. Gear goes back to the outfitter between rentals so you don’t have to dedicate basement or garage space to equipment not in use.
What gear do I need for camping?

Outdoor Gear offers a wide variety of rentals to equip groups of any size, including:
- Tents – Various sizes and capacities to shelter groups from the elements during any season.
- Sleeping Bags – Well insulated to handle Bangalore’s range of temperatures.
- Backpacks – Varying capacities to carry gear on day hikes or overnight treks.
- Camp Kitchen Gear – Stoves, cookware, plates and cutlery.
- Camp Lighting – Lanterns and flashlights using batteries or solar power sources.
- Camp Furniture – Cots, sleeping pads, pillows, and folding chairs.
Specialty and adventure gear are available upon request as well!
How does the Camping Gear Rental Process Work?
Outdoor Gear simplifies trip planning by handling all logistics of the camping rental process:
- Browse available inventory online and reserve items for required dates.
- Pick up a gear at the start of the rental period and inspect the condition. Report any unnoticed damage.
- Use equipment to camp across Bangalore’s incredible nature destinations!
- Clean gear before returning by the end of the rental period to avoid late fees.
With affordable rates and online reservations, Outdoor Gear makes convenient camping rentals a reality.
Rent Camping Essentials Checklist from Outdoor Gear (Xdogtrekking.com)
Avoid investing thousands into buying tents, packs, and other equipment you might use just once a year. Outdoor Gear (xdogtrekking.com) makes adventure readiness affordable, with premium rentals available on:
1. Tents
- 1-4 person tents
- Cabin, dome, and pop-up tent styles
- Lightweight backpacking to family base camp options
2. Sleeping Equipment
- Adult & kids sleeping bags with temperature ratings from 40°F to 20°F
- Self-inflating sleeping pads and cots
- Pillows & blankets for optimal comfort
3. Backpacks & Bag Storage
- 15L to 80L capacity daypacks and travel packs
4. Trekking Gear
- Hiking shoes & boots in standard & wide sizes
- Collapsible trekking & ski poles
- Gaiters, compass & map cases
5. Camp Furniture
- Folding camp chairs, tables & stools
6. Camp Kitchen Gear
- Stoves
7. Safety Equipment
- LED headlamps & clip-on lights
- Solar lanterns
- First aid kits, protective gloves
And much more! Haven’t spotted Camping Gear for your trip among the possibilities above? Just ask! Outdoor Gear (xdogtrekking.com) strives to supply all Camping Gear For Rent In Bangalore.
Top Accessories Improving Camping Life
- Packable camp towels
- Bio soap leaves
- Portable phone chargers
- Camp games (cards, cornhole)
- Pocket knives
- Gear repair tape
- Waterproof stuff sacks
- Foam sleeping mats
Outdoor Gear maintains huge inventories of all premium rental accessories making camping comfier. Browse our Camping gear rental Bangalore section on the website or visit a store to learn more!
Why Outdoor Gear for Your Camping Rentals?
Outdoor enthusiasts exploring beyond Bangalore leverage rented camping equipment for the first time every week. What draws these adventurous souls to select Outdoor Gear over other occasional rental options across the city?
- Affordable Pricing: Our sheer rental volume allows negotiating wholesale pricing from top gear manufacturers, savings we fully pass onto customers. Find rates up to 40% below competing Bangalore outfitters!
- Convenient Reservations: Reserve rentals 24/7 through easy online bookings on our website (xdogtrekking.com) – no need to call or visit a shop! Change plans hassle-free later on thanks to flexible cancellation policies.
- Premium Gear Quality: We only rent out top camping gear from the best brands, thoroughly checked by staff after each return. Feel fully confident equipment won’t fail whatever the adventure! Upgrade particular items too.
- Handled Logistics: Bangalore doorstep delivery (based on location distance) and mode of transport accommodate all plans. Focus on anticipating fun rather than rental logistics thanks to our behind-the-scenes handling!
- Ongoing Support: Friendly gear experts assist in selecting perfect rentals for any situation, and remain available via call/text throughout the rental period in case needs change.
- Xdogtrekking Reviews: Don’t just take our word – read wilderness adventure reviews from hundreds of satisfied Bangalore-based renters on Facebook and Google!
- Bangalore Local Business: Proudly based right in Bangalore, we’re thrilled to equip fellow city residents to embrace all the natural beauty just beyond our metropolitan edges!
Sold on the Outdoor Gear difference yet? We aim to provide not only the best Camping Gear For Rent In Bangalore but also unmatched value and planning ease. Now let’s discuss maximizing that trip excitement…
Plan Your Adventure with Rented Camping Gear
The extensive inventory and simplified rental process make prepping for even multi-day treks nearly effortless. Here’s how to start your excitement-building getaway planning:
Step 1: Browse Gear
Search tents and hundreds more rentals on our website by category, brand, ratings, and more. Shortlist top choices best fitting group size and planned activities.
Step 2: Reserve Items Add shortlisted rentals to the cart and select the needed rental duration. Provide basic contact/payment details, then relax! Outdoor Gear handles the logistics from here.
Step 3: Inspect & Pack Gear Pick-up gear once the rental period begins. Thoroughly inspect and test items before loading up vehicles.
Step 4: Embrace the Adventure!
Drive off wherever your perfect weekend destination lies! Pitch that tent and make priceless memories under the stars with those you love most.
Step 5: Return Gear
Restore all items to proper working condition post-adventure before returning equipment to Outdoor Gear on time. Fines apply to severely late returns.
With 24/7 online booking flexibility along with pick-up options, reserving rentals fits all schedules. We know unplanned adventures happen too! Score deals on midweek rentals or standby same-day reservations when availability allows.
FAQ about Camping gear rental Bangalore
All set to browse Outdoor Gear’s epic lineup of camping rentals? Before you start your search, check out answers to some of our most frequently asked gear questions:
Aim to book at least 3-5 days before rentals for best availability. Reserve a month or more ahead when planning popular holiday weekends. Last-minute deals sometimes pop up too!
Invest in a quality tent, sleeping bags with suitable warmth ratings, and thick sleeping pads. Trekking gear matters more for extensive hiking trips, while car campers need camp furniture for lounging in style!
Minor expected wear and tear comes with robust outdoor fun! Just return items on time in the same complete working condition. However, significant damage may carry repair/replacement fees your rental contract covers.
We offer prepaid Bangalore home delivery (charges may apply based on the distance). Delivery fees vary based on location, but simplify logistics even more!
Also check: Bike Riding Gear for Rent in Bangalore at the Lowest Price
Camping is a great way to escape the city and explore the great outdoors. If you’re planning to rent camping gear in Bangalore choose xdogtrekking.com can be a convenient and cost-effective solution. Several companies offer camping gear rental services in Bangalore. Some of the popular items that you can rent include tents, sleeping bags, camping stoves, coolers, and camping chairs.
Outdoor Gear offers camping gear rental services in Bangalore, providing an excellent opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to prioritize safety and comfort without the burden of purchasing expensive gear. With the right gear from Outdoor Gear, powered by xdogtrekking.com, your camping adventure in Bangalore awaits. Plan your trip, pack light, and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature without the burdens of ownership.
Contact Outdoor Gear at #02, AECS, C Block, Back Side, near Samruddi Kuteera Hotel, Kudlu, Singasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068, or call 9945555897, 8095555897 to embark on a journey of unforgettable experiences. Happy camping!